Plasma activated hydrogel therapy as a novel treatment for paediatric burns
Chief Investigator: Dr Ainslie Derrick-Roberts Funding Amount : $99,946 Recipient: University of South Australia Overview: Paediatric burns are common in children under the age of 5. Treatment of burns is complicated by
Optimising a synthetic scaffold for the in vitro bioengineering of bi-layered skin as a therapy for burn injuries and chronic wounds in children
Chief Investigator: Associate Professor Marcus Wagstaff Funding Amount: $100,000 Recipient: CALHN – Central Adelaide Local Health Network Overview: Poor burns scars and their associated joint contractures are disabling in children. The Skin Engineering
Testing combined therapies as a powerful tool for controlling paediatric Glioblastoma multiforme invasiveness.
Chief Investigator: Dr Sunita Ramesh Funding Amount : $91,816 Recipient: Flinders University Overview: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a common cause of cancer-related deaths in children. Current treatments focus on disrupting single signalling
Can cognitive function be improved in childhood cancer survivors with the use of a custom cognitive gaming suite?
Chief Investigator: Associate Professor Lyndsey Collins-Praino Funding Amount : $99,926 Recipient: The University of Adelaide Overview: Cancer-related Cognitive Impairment (CRCI) can negatively impact survivors following cancer and its treatment. It affects areas
Does the presence of lung infection impact the efficacy of cystic fibrosis airway gene therapy?
Chief Investigator: Dr Alexandra McCarron (Early Career Researcher) Funding Amount : $40,060 Recipient: The University of Adelaide Overview: This project will evaluate a novel treatment for cystic fibrosis (CF), a chronic, progressive,
Contributors to endocrine abnormalities in children and adolescents with sleep disordered breathing
Chief Investigator: Ms Amelia Noone (Early Career Researcher) Funding Amount : $39,995 Recipient: The University of Adelaide Overview: Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) effects 10% of children and ranges in severity from primary