The Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation of South Australia is an independent not-for-profit organisation dedicated to enriching the lives of children through research.
Established in 1976, we are a collaboration of institutions with a shared vision to generate new knowledge and developments in research that will ultimately help improve a child’s quality of life.
Founded with proceeds from the SAS Channel 7 Adelaide (then SAS10) annual Christmas Appeal telethon, the Foundation today dedicates around $1.7 million in grants each year to South Australia’s world-class research organisations, universities, institutes, health services, educational and other organisations that work tirelessly to generate new knowledge and build research capability that’s vital to improving the quality of life for all children.
We’re also passionate about retaining our excellent researchers and fostering research talent and career opportunities in South Australia, and we dedicate our annual funding entirely to state-led research.
All fields of research, including allied health, fertility and pregnancy, dentistry, education, environment, nursing, medicine, mental health, midwifery and social sciences, relating to children’s health, education and welfare are considered, whether they be basic science projects, clinical studies or community-based studies.
Operating as a registered charity and a not-for-profit incorporated association, where operational efficiency is a priority, the Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation works diligently to increase the funds it provides through the careful management of investment returns from an endowment portfolio, and by seeking and nurturing the charitable giving, corporate partnerships and kind patronage it gratefully receives from Australia’s business and family communities.
The Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation is proud to acknowledge the joint patronage of Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia, and Mr Rod Bunten.