Supporting mental health and wellbeing for children from migrant and refugee backgrounds with disability

Supporting mental health and wellbeing for children from migrant and refugee backgrounds with disability

Chief Investigator:

Associate Professor Anna Ziersch

Research Area:

Improving children’s mental health and the impact of developmental disorders.
Community Based Study

Funding Year:


Funding Amount:



Flinders University


Refugee children experience higher rates of disability, including mental health and developmental disorders, than non-refugee children. In addition, migrant and refugee children with disability can experience negative mental health impacts as a result of their disability. They also face multiple potential service access barriers including issues with diagnosis, language and service navigation, a lack of culturally responsive services, and varying service eligibility – however, there is limited research examining this. This project will examine mental health support needs and engagement with services, and provide recommendations for promoting mental health and wellbeing for migrant and refugee children and their carers.

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