Supporting children experiencing domestic and family violence (DFV) through developing a child-informed, child-centred practice approach in DFV shelters

Supporting children experiencing domestic and family violence (DFV) through developing a child-informed, child-centred practice approach in DFV shelters

Chief Investigator: Associate Professor Kristen Natalier

Funding Amount : $87,628

Recipient: Flinders University


This research will develop and evaluate a child-informed, child-centred practice approach, to strengthen the impact of domestic and family violence (DFV) shelter-based work with children and their families. Children experiencing DFV are at risk of poorer health, social, psychological and developmental outcomes. These diminish children’s immediate wellbeing, corrode their life chances, increase the longer-term costs of providing social services, and hold intergenerational consequences. Such impacts were estimated to cost $333 million in 2015-2016 alone. Investing in a child-centred, child-informed approach in DFV shelters creates a crucial targeted intervention offering health, economic and social benefits for individuals and society.