Children’s problematic sexual behaviour in schools: Identifying and addressing collaborative responses to incidents
Chief Investigator: Dr Lesley-anne Ey
Research Area: Improving child protection and its effects. Community-based study.
Funding Year: 2021
Funding Amount: $99,919
Recipient: University of South Australia
Problematic sexual behaviour is behaviour that falls outside the age-appropriate range for children and can include peer-on-peer sexually abusive behaviour. Schools have been identified as a critical setting where children are exhibiting these behaviours. Early identification and intervention involving cross-agency services is important to prevent ongoing sexual abuse and harm. Schools are often the first point of detection, but little is known about how they respond, and support children involved. This study will provide understanding about the potential for collaborative responses between schools and cross-agency-services. Outcomes will include research-based guides for policy and practice to support children affected by PSB.