Held on Wednesday 30 November, 5.30-7.30pm, Napier 102 lecture theatre, 1st floor, Napier Building, North Terrace, University of Adelaide. Best practice approaches supporting neurodiversity (and autism specifically) have undertaken significant change
Held in conjunction with CRF and HDA partner organisation, the Women’s and Children’s Health Network. Thursday 4 August, 5.30-8.15pm Napier 102 lecture theatre, 1st floor, Napier Building, University of Adelaide, North
The 17th Healthy Development Adelaide Oration presented by Professor Tracey Wade. Wednesday 18 August5:45pm – 7:30pmNapier lecture theatre (102), Napier Building, 1st floor University of Adelaide (North Tce campus), Adelaide, SA Professor Tracey
Congratulations to Dr Anya Arthurs, the inaugural Healthy Development Adelaide Schools Communicator for 2021; a new award program funded by the Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation. Anya is a Post-doctoral
The Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation (CRF) joins Healthy Development Adelaide in congratulating Leanne Winner and Susan Smith as the 9th Cohort 2020 recipients of the CRF PhD Excellence Award.