Gaming and LEGO® robotics with autistic students: Learnings and outcomes.

Gaming and LEGO® robotics with autistic students: Learnings and outcomes.

Today young people play online games such as Minecraft™ or use LEGO® Robotics to build 3D worlds or robots and connect with friends. Could building robotics or online gaming collaboratively support social skills of autistic students? Health Development Adelaide will share the outcomes of two recently completed projects addressing the above question.

Thursday 8 February, 5.30-7.30pm, 
Napier G04 lecture theatre, Napier building,
Ground floor, University of Adelaide, North Terrace

This is a free event. Ticket registration to attend is essential

Outcomes of a LEGO® Robotics program with Autistic students


Dr David Hobbs, Senior Lecturer, College of Science and Engineering, Flinders University and Kimberly Steele, Leader, Personalised Learning, Blackwood High School

LEGO® therapy involves groups of three autistic children working together to build pre-designed LEGO® sets with defined roles, resulting in improved communication and social skills. Our project extended this by examining the effects of LEGO® Robotics therapy on anxiety and social skills in autistic high-school students. (Flinders University, Autism SA, & Griffith University)

Funded by Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation

The Minecraft™ Project: A pilot study


Dr Abi Thirumanickam, Lecturer, Speech Pathology, School of Allied Health Science and Practice, University of Adelaide and consumers Mickey Burrows and Harry Bhavsar


A/Professor Pammi Raghavendra (former HDA Co-Convenor), Disability and Community Inclusion, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University.

Other event information:

Networking and light refreshments will follow the session from 6.50pm.

Everyone is welcome – open to the public. Share to your colleagues, networks and friends.