A new therapy to mature preterm lungs without damaging the brain

Chief Investigator: Associate Professor Kathryn Gatford
Funding Amount : $100,000
Recipient: The University of Adelaide
Overview: Antenatal corticosteroids (ACS), such as betamethasone, are standard clinical care for women at risk of preterm delivery. ACS activate the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), maturing the fetal lungs and reducing neonatal lung disease and death. However, clinicians are increasingly concerned about adverse effects of ACS on other organs, particularly the developing brain. In this project, we will test the prodrug ciclesonide, that is only able to signal via the GR in tissues with an activating enzyme present, like the lungs, but not brain. We will establish an effective dose of ciclesonide to mature the fetal lung and improve preterm lung function.