Development of an advanced wound dressing for the treatment of infected burns in children

Development of an advanced wound dressing for the treatment of infected burns in children

Chief Investigator: Dr Zlatko Kopecki

Funding Amount: $100,000

Recipient: University of South Australia


Burns are one of the most common injuries suffered by Australians and one of the top three causes of death in children under five. The emergence of multi-drug resistant bacteria, including hospital-acquired Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), is leading to increased numbers of paediatric burns patients suffering wound infections. While the survival rates for burns patients have improved substantially, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, sepsis, and multiple-organ dysfunction remain major causes of morbidity and mortality. We have taken a novel approach to develop an advanced wound dressing which could be a life-changing treatment for many children who suffer extensive burns.