Chief Investigator: Dr Kerrilyn Diener Funding Amount: $75,000 Recipient: The University of Adelaide Overview: Preterm babies are particularly vulnerable to acquiring sepsis during their hospital stay, which not only increases
Discipline: Gene Therapy Chief Investigator: Dr Martin Donnelley Funding Amount: $74,213 Recipient: Women’s and Children’s Health Network Overview: Treatments for cystic fibrosis (CF) have improved in recent years, enhancing survival
Chief Investigator: Dr Roger Yazbek Funding Amount: $74,931 Recipient: Flinders University Overview: Existing technologies for detection and monitoring of intestinal damage and repair in children are costly and invasive, leading
Chief Investigator: Dr Qian Tang Funding Amount: $34,995 Recipient: University of South Australia Overview: Glucocorticoids are commonly used in children and cause bone defects, for which mechanisms are unclear and
Chief Investigator: Dr Elizabeth Ngoc Hoa Tran Funding Amount: $65,000 Recipient: The University of Adelaide Overview: Shigella is the leading cause of bacillary dysentery, a human inflammatory disease of the
Chief Investigator: Dr Billy Tao Funding Amount: $73,155 Recipient: Flinders University Overview: Peanut allergy affects 3% of Australian children. It affects family lifestyle, is dangerous for those allergic, and constant
Chief Investigator: Associate Professor Mark Nottle Funding Amount: $74,882 Recipient: The University of Adelaide Overview: The directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells to insulin producing cells is seen as
Chief Investigator: Dr Rhiannon Pilkington Funding Amount: $69,574 Recipient: The University of Adelaide Overview: In 2012-13 there were 19,120 child protection notifications in South Australia (AIHW, 2014). By the age
Chief Investigator: Professor Vivienne Moore Funding Amount: $73,942 Recipient: The University of Adelaide Overview: Anxiety and mood disorders are among the most common mental health problems experienced by young people.
Chief Investigator: Associate Professor Philippa Middleton Funding Amount: $75,000 Recipient: SAHMRI Overview: Breastfeeding is one of the most important health behaviours for survival, growth, development and overall health of the